Rick Longinotti and Mireya Gomez-Contreras, Dec. 7: Real alternatives for Watsonville commuters
Anyone over a certain age who has driven the freeways of the Bay Area or Southern California knows that widening highways doesn’t work to reduce congestion beyond the short-term.
From the editor's desk, Dec. 7: Education is the key to pedestrian safety
Recently, I was driving on South Green Valley Road near the Kralj Drive intersection, when I noticed a bicyclist about two car-lengths ahead of me cruising along in the bike lane.
Watsonville Mayor's Update, December 2018
The holidays are a festive time of year when we share special moments with our family, friends and loved ones, and look ahead to a new year filled with promise and opportunity.
Sesario Escoto, Nov. 30: Be the bridge for children in foster care
CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) exists because children in the foster care system need a voice. These young people experience great loss and trauma, and CASA of Santa Cruz County provides a light in the darkness that can fall upon this time in their lives; that light being the CASA volunteers.
Trina Coffman-Gomez, Nov. 30: Clarifying misconceptions and moving forward, part two
This is a continuation of Trina Coffman-Gomez’s column from last week’s edition, which touches on misconceptions surrounding the county’s transportation planning.
Ed Durkee, Nov. 21: Let’s be thankful, all year long
The dinner table is about to be set, the turkey and the stuffing are ready, and the holiday season is officially upon us.
Trina Coffman-Gomez, Nov. 21: Clarifying misconceptions and moving forward
The impact this transportation planning document will have on our community today and for our future generations is profound. The Unified Corridor Investment Study will continue to be presented to the public during the public comment period before returning back to the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) commissioners to vote on in January at the earliest.
California Tribal Casino Operators File Lawsuit To Ban Card Rooms From...
Published in cooperation between CasinoBeats.com and The Pajaronian
California tribal casinos have filed a lawsuit to prevent local card rooms from offering certain table games....